Project 52 #47

This week Ma’ is suggesting that we post black and white picture. It has nothing to do with the weather, it stopped raining! Marichéri took lot of wonderful B&W pictures of Paris some years ago, but I already posted a few. So I am taking you to Bordeaux, again. This is the Rohan Palace, which is actually the town hall today. It was built just before the French revolution on top of some medieval ruins for Ferdinand Maximilien Meriadec de Rohan. Not only he had a total disregard for historical ruins which stood in the way of his palace and a very long name, but he was also bishop of Bordeaux, and needed a place to stay, obviously. But after the revolution,  his modest little home had a trouble history. It became the revolutionary court of justice (I should have put comas there!), it was used as a holiday home by Napoleon, it even hosted part of the French gouvernement in June 1940. It’s a lot more peaceful taday, and quite a lot of it is open the public.

You can find another black and white picture/ vous pouvez trouver une autre photo en noir et blanc sur Pomdepin in wonderland. 

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6 Responses to Project 52 #47

  1. Pingback: Project 52 II #47 | Pom de Pin in Wonderland

  2. B&W always makes things more ancient, gives peace to the place. Beautiful photo 😉


  3. Very nice place, and I like the bishop name 🙂


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